Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Thighs,


Our first ladies night! Here we are showing off all our good veggies!! 
I can't tell you how awesome it has been to open up the frig and see a bunch of yummy snacks at my fingertips just ready and waiting to make me healthier!!

Tonight it round 2! And we are going to have a load of fun!!! 

Carrie Lee

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dear Thighs,

 I have eaten lots of veggies this week thanks to our little group!  I even stepped on the scale (something I don't like doing, mostly your fault) and lost 2 pounds. However you quickly sidestepped my efforts when you couldn't resist a piece of my little girls birthday cake! I may have slipped off the wagon and had a moment of weakness... but I am not giving up the fight. The bell has sounded.... I am ready for round 2. Watch out.

Rocky has nothin on me..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dear Thighs,

 I just wanted to drop you a note. Well, it is actually a warning. I am forming a militia. Oh yes, you heard me right. You no longer have just me to push around. We are meeting this Thursday evening. I would invite you but I am certain that you will be there regardless of whether or not I want you to come. So I will see you then.

Carrie Lee

P.S. They will be nice to you because they are polite and kind, but don't let that fool you.... they are on my side.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dear Thighs

 Karman brought me sushi today and a diet iced tea for lunch. Isn't that sweet? Don't be jealous. It was yummy and healthy and even though you may not appreciate my effort to banish you, I think you'll agree that it was delicious. I believe, eventually, you will see that I am doing what is best for both of us.
Carrie Lee

P.S. I am going to do Zumba tomorrow, and no, you will not change my mind.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dear Thighs,

I caught a glimpse of you today in the foyer mirror as I was hugging Jeremy goodbye. It wasn't pleasant. I keep telling you that I don't want to see you anymore but you insist on stalking me. Well, I am going to take matters into my own hands. I will get rid of you! You will see. I will no longer stand by and watch you diminish my self confidence and have you steal any more of my favorite outfits! You are just creepy!! You should be ashamed of yourself. So guess what? I had an orange today. AND I only had one cup of coffee. Take that! Feeling a little less pleased with yourself aren't you? This is just the beginning. This is war.

Your Nemesis,
Carrie Lee