Getting Started!!!

Dearest girls...
I have been talking to most of you about how miserable I am about my weight gain, especially in the last couple years. I have decided enough is enough and want to get healthy. My hysterectomy is no longer an excuse for saddlebags! So, I had an idea. I know some of us (if not most of us) are already dieting, exercising (or trying to), what have you.... well part of my problem is that i always feel like i am in it alone. A double edged sword....I find myself wishing I had someone to talk to about my frustrations losing weight and yet, finding it embarrassing to talk about it to anyone also. Then after talking to some of you... i realized we all pretty much feel the same way. So I thought we could start a little support group if you will. But how can we all help each other if we are all on a different 'diet'? Hmmmm? Then I thought, well, this could be a good thing. We all have different ideas, tips, recipes that we can bring to the table. We are all busy women with family, work... etc. But we could manage one day right? I think so. 
So here is the idea....
We get together one day a week to hang out and support each other. But wait there is more....
I thought it would be fun to start at my house and we could have a fruit and veggie cutting party! I was think of how women get together and help each other make meals or cookie parties and share.... then the lightbulb went off and ding.... there it was. Depending on how many of us can meet.... I will make a list, send it out and have you reply which fruit/veggie you will bring. We each bring enough for however many people we have. Bring your favorite knife, cutting board and we can hang out and try to be healthier together. I have yet to hear of a diet that didn't require lots of fresh veggies and fruit... so this should work. I want you to pass this invitation on to whomever you feel comfortable! The more the better. 
Who needs club membership fees and awkward meetings with strangers you don't even know!? Not me. 
I also know that not everyone will be able to make these little get- togethers. So I also started a blog called 'Dear Thighs'. It is a newborn baby blog with lots of promise to help us! We can all use this blog if we want. I didn't make it with just me in mind. I made it for any of us who want to share. Imagine if you will a site where we can log on any time and vent, look up recipes, see what our friends are up to, etc... offering a way to help ourselves and support one another. Check it out.... at

So there it is.... i put it out there. I hope this is the start of something beautiful.
Carrie Lee